Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers

Thin, hand-crafted porcelain shells that are bonded to your natural teeth to recreate a rejuvenated appearance, usually to mask damaged, discoloured or worn down teeth.


  • Custom designed, trialed in the mouth, then hand-layered and baked in the ceramic laboratory

  • Strong, durable & beautiful

  • Initial shine & lustre remains indefinite

  • Excellent resistance to stains

  • Usually an additive technique where little tooth enamel is sacrificed


  • Dental hygiene must be pristine to prevent decay at the veneer-tooth interface

  • Staining at the veneer-tooth margin may occur over time, particularly when there is natural gum recession with aging

  • Trauma, falls & accidents may debond or fracture a veneer

  • Undesirable habits including nail biting, beer bottle opening, breaking hard foods (e.g. crab shells) may debond or fracture a veneer

  • Teeth clenching & grinding (bruxism) habits during sleep may increase the risk of veneer failure in which case an occlusal splint will need to be worn during sleep.


Case Study 1 - Smile Rejuvenation with Porcelain Veneers & Ceramic Onlays

Case study 2 - Smile rejuvenation with ceramic restorations and an implant-supported crown